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New search Bertsolari: "Ibarzabal, Nerea" Interviewed: "Maia, Jon" Medium type: "Disque dur" Place: "Araba" Type: "grabazioa" Name of person: "Colina, Sustrai" Name of person: Iturriaga, Unai Name of person: Mantzizidor, Iñigo "Mantxi Name of person: Martin, Alaia

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Found results: 5

Bertsolari Txapelketa Nagusia (16. 2013)

[Periodical Performance]

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El plantel de la primera final de bertsos "post Egaña" tiene una media de 34 años


2013-12-02. [Egunkaria] View details

Azken txanpako hiru saiotan erabakiko da abenduaren 15eko finala


2013-11-24. [Egunkaria] View details

Sorginaren misterioa


2013-11-23. [Egunkaria] View details