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New search Interviewed: "Elustondo, Nerea" Interviewed: "Elustondo, Nerea" Interviewed: "Elustondo, Nerea" Interviewed: "Elustondo, Nerea" Language: "eu" Century: "XXI" Type: "prentsa" Entity: Eusko Jaurlaritza. Kultura Saila Name of person: Bidegain, Eneko Name of person: Fernandez, Estitxu

Found results: 2

Euskal Herriko Eskolarteko Bertsolari Txapelketa (17. 2005. Altsasu)

[Periodical Performance]

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Euskal Herriko Eskolarteko Bertsolari Txapelketa (18. 2006. Altsasu)

[Periodical Performance]

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