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Hispanic balladry: The Structure and changing functions of oral traditions

1986-. Article: English. Library collection

Hispanic balladry: The Traditional Romancero in Mexico: panorama

1986-. Article: English. Library collection

A Festschrift for Walter J Ong : A Remark on silence and listening

1986-. Article: English. Library collection

A Festschrift for Walter J Ong : Characteristics of Orality

1986-. Article: English. Library collection

A Festschrift for Walter J Ong : Coming of age in the global village

1986-. Article: English. Library collection

A Festschrift for Walter J Ong : Early christian creeds and controversies in the light of the orality-liceracy hypothesis

1986-. Article: English. Library collection

A Festschrift for Walter J Ong : Literacy, commerce, and catholicity: two contexts of change and invention

1986-. Article: English. Library collection

A Festschrift for Walter J Ong : Man, Muse, and Story: psychoistorical patterns in oral epic poetry

1986-. Article: English. Library collection

A Festschrift for Walter J Ong : Orality an textuality in medieval Castilian prose

1986-. Article: English. Library collection

A Festschrift for Walter J Ong : Orality and literacy in matter and form: Ben Franklin's Way to wealth

1986-. Article: English. Library collection

A Festschrift for Walter J Ong : Orality-literacy studies and the unity of the human race

1986-. Article: English. Library collection

A Festschrift for Walter J Ong : Peter Ramus, Walter Ong, and the Tradition of humanistic learning

1986-. Article: English. Library collection

A Festschrift for Walter J Ong : Rahner on Sprachregelung: Regulation of language? Of speech?

1986-. Article: English. Library collection

A Festschrift for Walter J Ong : Speech is the body of the spirit: the oral hermeneutic in the writing of Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy (1888-1973)

1986-. Article: English. Library collection

A Festschrift for Walter J Ong : The Authority of the word in ST John's Gospel: charismatic speech, narrative text, logocentric metaphysics

1986-. Article: English. Library collection

A Festschrift for Walter J Ong : The Complesity of oral tradition

1986-. Article: English. Library collection

A Festschrift for Walter J Ong : The Cosmic myths of Homer and Hesiod

1986-. Article: English. Library collection

A Festschrift for Walter J Ong : The Harmony of time in Paradise Lost

1986-. Article: English. Library collection

A Festschrift for Walter J Ong : The Making of the novel and the evolution of consciousness

1986-. Article: English. Library collection

A Festschrift for Walter J Ong : The Ramist style of John Udall: audience and picotrial logic in puritan sermon and controversy

1986-. Article: English. Library collection