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Kultur bizitzaren azterketa kualitatiboaren emaitzak, ondorioak eta proposamenak

- Autor(es)
- Sarasua, Jon
- Título
- Kultur bizitzaren azterketa kualitatiboaren emaitzak, ondorioak eta proposamenak / Jon Sarasua
- En
- Bat : soziolinguistika aldizkaria, 83, 2012, 11-28
- Materias
- Bertsolaritza
- Contenido
Testu osoa
- Tipología
- Artículo
- 1130-8435
[EU] Kulturgintzaren inguruko hausnarketa propioa eskaintzen du Jon Sarasuak artikulu honetan.Alde batetik erakunde publikoei begira, eta, bestetik, euskararen kulturgintzako erakunde sozialei zuzendua.Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundiak babestutako ikerlan batean oinarritzen da, zehazki, 127 laguni eginiko elka-rrizketetan bildutakoa. Ikerlan horren emaitza testuinguratzeko euskal kulturgintzaren aurre-markoa de-finitzen du (hizkuntza-komunitatearen zentralitatea, instituzioen analisia, -kapitala, administrazio publikoaeta gizarte zibila-), markoa zehazten du (hiztun komunitatearen motibazioak, kultura politikaren oinarriak,eragileen analisia), eta, azkenik, dozena bat estrategia proposamen modura eskaintzen ditu.
[EN] The results, conclusions and proposals of a qualitative study of cultural life. In this paper,Jon Sarasua offers a personal reflection on cultural activity. on the one hand, he takes a look at the publicinstitutions, and on the other, the social organisations devoted to Basque language cultural activity. It isbased on a piece of research funded by the Charter provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, and specificallydeals with what was gathered in interviews given by 127 people. To put the results of this research intocontext, he outlines a preliminary framework for Basque cultural activity (the centrality of the speechcommunity, analysis of the institutions –capital, public administration and civil society–), he specifiesthe framework (the motivations of the community of speakers, the bases of cultural policy, the analysisof the players), and finally offers about a dozen strategies by way of proposal.
[EN] The results, conclusions and proposals of a qualitative study of cultural life. In this paper,Jon Sarasua offers a personal reflection on cultural activity. on the one hand, he takes a look at the publicinstitutions, and on the other, the social organisations devoted to Basque language cultural activity. It isbased on a piece of research funded by the Charter provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, and specificallydeals with what was gathered in interviews given by 127 people. To put the results of this research intocontext, he outlines a preliminary framework for Basque cultural activity (the centrality of the speechcommunity, analysis of the institutions –capital, public administration and civil society–), he specifiesthe framework (the motivations of the community of speakers, the bases of cultural policy, the analysisof the players), and finally offers about a dozen strategies by way of proposal.