Bilaketa orokorra

Bilaketa berria Bertsolaria: "Madariaga, Bautista" Euskarri-mota: "Betacam" Mota: "grabazioa" Pertsona: "Enbeita, Zigor" Pertsona: "Lazkano, Imanol" Urtea: "1989" Formatua: Artikulua Mota: Liburutegia Urtea: 1989

Emaitzak: 46

Erdi-ahozkotasunaren literatur estiloaz : Oiartzun, 1988-VII-30

1989. Artikulua: Euskara. Online Liburutegian

Los "Guslar" serbo-croatas, caso interesante de literatura oral

1989. Artikulua: Espainiera. Erreferentzi bibliografikoa

Arabic oral traditions: Epic splitting: an Ara folk gloss on the meaning of the hero pattern

1986-. Artikulua: Ingelesa. Liburutegian

Arabic oral tradition: Sirat Bani Hilal: introduction and notes to an Arab oral epic tradition

1986-. Artikulua: Ingelesa. Liburutegian

Arabic oral tradition: From hisotry to fiction: the tales told by the King's steward in the 1001 Nights

1986-. Artikulua: Ingelesa. Liburutegian

Arabic oral traditions: Which came first, the Zajal or the Muwassaha? Some evidence for the oral origins of Hispano-Arabic strophic poetry

1986-. Artikulua: Ingelesa. Liburutegian

Arabic oral traditions: Oral traditions of the Prophet Muhammad: a formulaic approach

1986-. Artikulua: Ingelesa. Liburutegian

Arabic oral traditions: Arabic folk epic and western Chanson de Geste

1986-. Artikulua: Ingelesa. Liburutegian

Arabic oral traditions: "Tonight my gun is loaded": poetic dueling in Arabia

1986-. Artikulua: Ingelesa. Liburutegian

Arabic oral traditions: Sung poetry in the oral tradition of the Gulf region and the Arabian Peninsula

1986-. Artikulua: Ingelesa. Liburutegian

Arabic oral traditions: The Development of Lebanese Zajal: genre, meter, and verbal duelPeninsula

1986-. Artikulua: Ingelesa. Liburutegian

Arabic oral traditions: Bani Halba classification of poetic genres

1986-. Artikulua: Ingelesa. Liburutegian

Arabic oral traditions: Oral transmission in Arabic music, past and present

1986-. Artikulua: Ingelesa. Liburutegian

Improvisation in Hungarian ethnic dancing: an analog to oral verse composition

1986-. Artikulua: Ingelesa. Liburutegian

"Beowulf was not there": Compositional inplications of Beowulf, lines 1299b-1301

1986-. Artikulua: Ingelesa. Liburutegian

Song, ritual, and commemoration in Early Greek poetry and tragedy

1986-. Artikulua: Ingelesa. Liburutegian

Formulaic diction in kazakh epic poetry

1986-. Artikulua: Ingelesa. Online Liburutegian

Oral verse-making in Homer Odyssey : the Milman Parry lectures on oral tradition for 1989

1986-. Artikulua: Ingelesa. Liburutegian

Arabic oral traditions: Qur'an recitation: a tradition of oral performance and transmission

1986-. Artikulua: Ingelesa. Liburutegian

Arabic oral traditions: Palestinian improvised-sung poetry: the genres of Hida and Qarradi - performance and trasmission

1986-. Artikulua: Ingelesa. Liburutegian