Bilaketa orokorra

Bilaketa berria Bertsolaria: "Munduate, Joxe" Euskarri-mota: "Betacam" Lekua: "Tolosa" Mota: "grabazioa" Pertsona: "Agirre, Joxe" Pertsona: "Lazkano, Imanol" Urtea: "1993" Hizkuntza: Ingelesa Mota: Liburutegia Urtea: 2020

Bilaketa zehaztu

Emaitzak: 50

Oppositions in folktales and myths : textometric approach

2010-. Artikulua: Ingelesa. Online Liburutegian

Formulaic Language

2020. Artikulua: Ingelesa. Erreferentzi bibliografikoa

Relics of lithuanian polymusic : an analysis of three cases

2020. Artikulua: Ingelesa. Online Liburutegian

Sardinia’s funerary lamentations : the attitos : a case of litany?

2020. Artikulua: Ingelesa. Erreferentzi bibliografikoa

The Aitys of Birzhan and Sara : a young woman's voice in Kazakh oral literature

2020. Dokumentua: Ingelesa. Erreferentzi bibliografikoa

Beginning schemes in uzbek folk tales

2020. Artikulua: Ingelesa. Erreferentzi bibliografikoa

Cultural aspects of african folktales : a comparative study of the Yorúbá and Maasai folktales

2020. Dokumentua: Ingelesa. Erreferentzi bibliografikoa

A comparative study of fairy tale and rap narratives : spaces specificity

2020. Artikulua: Arabiera, Frantsesa, Ingelesa, Turkiera. Online Liburutegian

Representing Islam : hip-hop of the september 11 generation

2020. Liburua: Ingelesa. Erreferentzi bibliografikoa

African American identities and communicative practices in rap music and hip hop culture : a critical race discourse analysis

2020. Dokumentua: Ingelesa. Erreferentzi bibliografikoa

Following the Formula in Beowulf, Örvar-Odds saga, and Tolkien

Artikulua: Ingelesa. Erreferentzi bibliografikoa

Folktales and short stories to blend culture and language competence = Leyendas y cuentos para combinar cultura y competencia lingüística

2020. Artikulua: Ingelesa. Online Liburutegian

Shimon the rapper : a real-time system for human-robot interactive rap battles

Artikulua: Ingelesa. Online Liburutegian

The oral tradition of dengbêjî : a kurdish genre of verbal art and reported speech

2020. Artikulua: Ingelesa. Erreferentzi bibliografikoa

The impact of the dengbêjî tradition on kurdish theater in Turkey

2020. Artikulua: Ingelesa. Erreferentzi bibliografikoa

The use of battle rap as a way to engage students in STEM

2020. Dokumentua: Ingelesa. Online Liburutegian

Application of singing synthesis techniquest to bertsolaritza

October 2020. Dokumentua: Ingelesa. Online Liburutegian

Literary aesthetics of Urhobo and Igbo ‘baby songs’

September 2020. Artikulua: Ingelesa. Online Liburutegian

A study of feminism and womanism in korean hip hop songs by female rappers

2020. Artikulua: Ingelesa. Online

Shadow representations : 8-Milin’ identity and de-blacking rap music in South Korea

2020. Artikulua: Ingelesa. Online