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Bertso eskolak : basque improvisational poetry schools

Liburua: Ingelesa. Liburutegian
Bertso eskolak : basque improvisational poetry schools / editors, Larraitz Ariznabarreta, Iñaki Arrieta Baro, Xabier Irujo.
Reno: Center for Basque Studies, 2023
Beste egileak
Ariznabarreta, Larraitz ; Arrieta, Iñaki ; Irujo, Xabier
Informazio formatua
XDZ - Xenpelar Dokumentazio Zentroa
Eduki mota
Jardunaldiak, biltzarrak
Erreferentzia bibliografikoak
The volume compiles the proceedings of the conference on Basque improvisational verse
singing, bertsolaritza, and its pedagogical organizations, bertso-schools. For decades bertsolaritza was considered an innate talent that could not be learned; but in the 1980s the techniques and artistry of improvisational verse singing were articulated by the newly created bertso-schools and, hence, made accessible to anyone willing to take up the craft. The bertso-schools' grassroots educational initiative helps transmit Basque cultural heritage to new generations and supports a communication network that is founded on collaboration, diversity, and social engagement.
Introduction / Iñaki Arrieta Baro, Larraitz Ariznabarreta, Xabier Irujo ...7
Bertsolaritza: beyond transmission and preservation / Oihana Iguaran Barandiaran ...15
The possible impact and benefits of a self-organized and structured bertso-eskola on the region and on the bertso community / Jone Uria Albizuri ...49
Beyond linguistic practices: verse schools as prime locus for the co-construction of youth identity and linguistics / Miren Artetxe Sarasola ...73
Bertsolaritza in Navarre: from the past to the present / Julio Soto Ezkurdia ...99
Learning about art and the art of learning / Maialen Lujanbio ...125
Improvisation and life: the Oholtza Project as an example of new artistic proposals for bertsolaris / Beñat Romera del Cerro (artistic name: Beñat Krolem) ...153
A coda / Larraitz Ariznabarreta ...177
Women bertsolaris in a time of nuances: bodies. voices and the art of improvisation. An interview with Maialen Lujanbio and Miren Artetxe / Reyez Lázaro, Jacqueline Urla ...187

Bertsolaritza: beyond transmission and preservation

. Artikulua: Ingelesa. Liburutegian

Bertsolaritza in Navarre : from the past to the present

. Artikulua: Ingelesa. Liburutegian

A coda

. Artikulua: Ingelesa. Liburutegian

Improvisation and life : the Oholtza Project as an example of new artistic proposals for bertsolaris

. Artikulua: Ingelesa. Liburutegian

Learning about art and the art of learning

. Artikulua: Ingelesa. Liburutegian

Women bertsolaris in a time of nuances : bodies, voices and the art of improvisation : an interview with Maialen Lujanbio and Miren Artetxe

. Artikulua: Ingelesa. Liburutegian

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