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The Amharic Oral Poetry of Laiibälocc in Northern Ethiopia

Artikulua: Ingelesa. Online
Kawase, Itsushi
The Amharic Oral Poetry of Laiibälocc in Northern Ethiopia
Japanese review of cultural anthropology, 15, 2014, 185-198
Azmari [አዝማሪ] ; Etiopia
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The Lalibalocc are a group of itinerant singers in Ethiopia who are believed to have an oral tradition that comdemns them and their descendants to leprosy unless they sing, beg, and bless households for aims. They generally work in the morning, going door to door without musical instruments. Because of their traditional link with leprosy, people have various reactions to Lalibalocc: some welcome them sincerely while others refuse them ungratefully. This paper first analyzes the oral poetry by Lalibalocc that is aimed at flattering the targeted client. The paper then examines the interactions between Lalibalocc and the people in Gondar during their daily activities and analyzes this interaction as an important element of their performance making process.

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