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Reflections of belief systems in Karelian and Lithuanian laments: shared systems of traditional referentiality?

Artikulua: Ingelesa. Online Liburutegian
Stepanova, Eila
Reflections of belief systems in Karelian and Lithuanian laments: shared systems of traditional referentiality? / Eila Stepanova.
Archaeology, religion and folklore in the Baltic Sea Region, 15, 2011, 128–143
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Bibliografia: 140-141 or.
Known the world over, laments are one of the oldest genres of oral ritual poetry. They are usually performed by women during rituals: funerals, weddings or leaving to join the army. Laments are works of a special kind of improvisation; they were created during the process of performance, drawing upon traditional language and motifs. The objective of this article is to open a discussion of relationships between Karelian and Lithuanian lament traditions, as representative examples of Finnic and
Baltic traditions, respectively. I focus on representations of ‘belief systems’ as these are reflected through the poetic features, images and motifs of both Karelian and Lithuanian funeral laments.

Key words: Lithuanian lament, Karelian lament, register, word-power, funeral ritual, conceptions of death, traditional referentiality

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