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The effects of hip hop and rap on young women in academia

Dokumentua: Ingelesa. Online
Zichermann, Sandra Claire
The effects of hip hop and rap on young women in academia
Freestyle Rap
Testu osoa
Beste egileak
University of Toronto
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1 fitxategi (PDF, 881 KB) (168 or.)
Informazio formatua
Eduki mota
Doktorego tesia
Torontoko Unibertsitateko doktorego-tesia
Azalean: A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Education Sociology in Education Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto
Bibliografia: 160-168 or.
This thesis investigates the rise of the cultures and music of hip-hop and rap in the West and its effects on its female listeners and fans, especially those in academia. The thesis consists of two parts. First I conducted a content analysis of 95 lyrics from the book, Hip-Hop & Rap: Complete Lyrics for 175 Songs (Spence, 2003). The songs I analyzed were performed by male artists whose lyrics repeated misogynist and sexist messages. Second, I conducted a focus group with young female university students who self-identify as fans of hip-hop and/or rap music. In consultation with my former thesis supervisor, I selected women enrolled in interdisciplinary programmes focused on gender and race because they are equipped with an academic understanding of the potential damage or negative effects of anti-female or negative political messaging in popular music. My study suggests that the impact of hip-hop and rap music on young women is both positive and negative, creating an overarching feeling of complexity for some young female listeners who enjoy music that is infused with some lyrical messages they revile. The attraction to hip-hop and rap music and cultures by young women in academia seems to be largely contingent upon an appreciation of the aesthetics of the genre and music, including its rhythmic flow, melodic structure and the general appeal of the artists. Therefore, even when the messaging comes across as antagonizing or antithetical to the well-being of the young female academic listener, her enjoyment of the music remains intact. By organizing a discussion group and candid dialogue between young academic women who are self-described hip-hop and/or rap fans, I was able to obtain an intimate understanding of their personal struggle between this appealing musical aesthetic and the sometimes-violent messages of hip-hop and rap.
Abstract ii
Acknowledgments iv
Table of Contents v
Introduction: Setting the Stage 1
Chapter 1: Literature Review 5
Introduction 5
Understanding Youth Subculture 6
Identity Formation in Hip-Hop and Rap Cultures 10
Gangsta Rap 18
Gender Rap 19
Female Artists in Hip-Hop and/or Rap 20
Black Nationalism and Women 22
The Representation of Women in Hip-Hop Culture and Rap Music 24
Women Rappers and Black Female Stereotypes 28
The Commercialization of Hip-Hop and Rap in Popular Culture 34
Hip-Hop and Rap Capitalism 35
Theoretical Framework 38
Chapter Two: Methodology 40
Introduction - Personal Investment 40
Hip-Hop and Rap Lyrics 41
The Five Themes 42
Rationale for the Creation of the Five Themes 43
Quantitative Methodology 47
The Focus Group 48
Rationale for Not Using Some Potential Participants 51
Structure of The Focus Group 52
Conclusion 56
Chapter Three: Content Analysis 58
Introduction 58
All These Calculations – Now What? 61
Sexual Exploitation and Disrespect Towards Women 61
Ostentatious Display of Wealth 69
Glamourization of Tobacco, Alcohol, Illegal Substances and Weapons 72
Establishing Territory 77
Inclusion of Derogatory and Racially Charged Terminology 79
Conclusion 82
Chapter Four: Focus Group Discussion 84
Introduction 84
Focus Group Themes / Sub-Themes and Concepts 86
Legitimacy 97
Lack of Agency/Voice 102
Contradictions 106
Pain vs. Pleasure 109
Virgin vs. Whore 111
Dis/empowerment 115
Focus Group Follow-Up Discussion 119
Analysis 126
Summary and Analysis of Focus Group Discussion 128
Chapter Five: Conclusion 130
The Hip-Hop and Rap Study 130
Weaknesses and Limitations 137
Concluding Reflections 139
Tables 140
Table 1: Content Analysis Worksheet 140
Table 2: Hip-Hop/Rap Lyrics (95) Songs Category/Theme (Percentage)
Calculations 146
Table 3: Overall Rank/Order of the Five Themes Accompanied by Percentages 147
Table 4: Call For Participants 148
Table 5: Consent for Voluntary Participation 151
Table 6: Detailed Timeline/Structure for Focus Group 152
Table 7: Ethics Review Protocol Form 154
Works Cited 160
Primary Sources (Recordings and Videos) 160
Secondary Sources 160

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