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Didong Gayo Lues : Analisis Keindahan Bahasa dan Fungsi Sosial

Artikulua: Indonesiera. Online Liburutegian
Tantawi, Isma
Didong Gayo Lues : Analisis Keindahan Bahasa dan Fungsi Sosial / Isma Tantawi
Logat : jurnal ilmiah bahasa dan sastra, 2, 1, 2006 april, 16-22
Didong ; Aceh
Testu osoa
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Eduki mota
The objective of this research is to analyze Didong Jalu in perspective of language aesthetic and social function on peoples of Gayo Lues ethnic group. The data in this research is analyzed based on both observation and documentation methods. The theoretical base used in this research is relied on literature sociological theoery suggested by Thomas Warton (1974) that literature work is considered to be expression of art and social document. Didong Jalu contains the language aesthetic value and it has social function for peoples of Gayo Lues ethnic group inhabiting the upland of Gayo Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Indonesia.

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