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Basque literary history

Liburua: Ingelesa. Online
Olaziregi, Mari Jose
Basque literary history / edited and with a preface by Mari Jose Olaziregi ; introduction by Jesús María Lasagabaster ; translated by Amaia Gabantxo
Reno, Nevada: Center for Basque Studies, University of Nevada, 2012
Occasional papers series (Center for Basque Studies) ; 21
Testu osoa
Beste egileak
Renoko Euskal Ikasketa Zentroa (University of Nevada. Reno)
Deskribapen fisikoa
370 or. ; 24 cm
Informazio formatua
Preface ...7
Mari Jose Olaziregi
Introduction: Basque Literary History ...13
Jesús María Lasagabaster
Part 1 Oral Basque Literature
1. Basque Oral Literature ...25
Igone Etxebarria
2. The History of Bertsolaritza ...43
Joxerra Garzia

Part 2 Classic Basque Literature of the Sixteenth to Nineteenth Centuries
3. The Sixteenth Century: The First Fruits of Basque Literature ...69
Aurélie Arcocha-Scarcia and Beñat Oyharçabal
4. The Seventeenth Century: The Publishing and Development of
Septentrional Basque Letters...89
Aurélie Arcocha-Scarcia and Beñat Oyharçabal
5. The Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries: Bridge across Borders...109
Jean Haritschelhar

Part 3 Modern Basque Literature, Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries
6. Worlds of Fiction: An Introduction to Basque Narrative...137
Mari Jose Olaziregi
7. Modern Basque Poetry ...201
Lourdes Otaegi
8. Basque Theater from Costumbrismo to Political Symbolism...245
Patri Urkizu
9. The Essay in Basque ...267
Xabier Altzi bar Aretxabaleta
10. Basque Children’s and Juvenile Literature ...291
Xabier Etxaniz Erle
11. Translated Basque Literature ...311
Jose Manuel López Gaseni
12. Other Basque Literatures ...329
Estibalitz Ezkerra

Index ...351
Contributors ...365

Basque Oral Literature

. Artikulua: Ingelesa. Online Liburutegian

The history of bertsolaritza

. Artikulua: Ingelesa. Online Liburutegian

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