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Emotional poetry generation

Artikulua: Ingelesa. Liburutegian
Astigarraga Pagoaga, Aitzol ; Lazkano Ortega, Elena ; Martínez-Otzeta, José María ; Rodriguez Rodriguez, Igor ; Sierra, Basilio
Emotional poetry generation / Aitzol Astigarraga, José María Martínez-Otzeta, Igor Rodriguez, Basilio Sierra and Elena Lazkano
Speech and Computer : 19th International Conference, SPECOM 2017, Hatfield, UK, September 12-16, 2017, Proceedings, Springer, 2017, 332-342
Informazio formatua
XDZ - Xenpelar Dokumentazio Zentroa
Eduki mota
Jardunaldiak, biltzarrak
In this article we describe a new system for the automatic creation of poetry in Basque that not only generates novel poems, but also creates them conveying a certain attitude or state of mind. A poem is a text structured according to predefined formal rules, whose parts are semantically related and with an intended message, aiming to elicit an emotional response. The proposed system receives as an input the topic of the poem and the affective state (positive, neutral or negative) and tries to give as output a novel poem that: (1) satisfies formal constraints of rhyme and metric, (2) shows coherent content related to the given topic, and (3) expresses them through the predetermined mood. Although the presented system creates poems in Basque, it is highly modular and easily extendable to new languages.

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