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New search Type: "prentsa" Media: "Puntua [Aldizkaria]" Year: "2015" Author: "Aranburuzabala, Aitziber" Author: "Aranburuzabala, Aitziber" Author: "Aranburuzabala, Aitziber" Access Condition: "Liburutegian" Year: "2015" Improvised Verse Singing: "Bertsolaritza" Author: "Aranburuzabala, Aitziber" Type: Library Improvised Verse Singing: Chowtal

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Found results: 3

Tales, Tunes, and Tassa Drums : retention and Invention in Indo-Caribbean Music

2015. Book: English. Online

Transnational chowtal : bhojpuri folk song from North India to the Caribbean, Fiji, and Beyond

2009. Article: English. Bibliographic reference

"About those scoundrels i'll let everyone know" : challenge singing in a Fiji indian community

1975. Article: English. Bibliographic reference