General search

New search Type: "prentsa" Access Condition: "Online" Interviewed: "Martin, Alaia" Interviewed: "Maia, Jon" Interviewed: "Paia, Fredi" Improvised Verse Singing: "Bertsolaritza" Improvised Verse Singing: "Bertsolaritza" Place: America Year: 2000

Found results: 13

Desviaciones morfolingüísticas y variaciones de la décima en Chile

2000. Book: Spanish. Library collection

Señores vengo a contarles... : La Revolución Mexicana a través de sus corridos

2000. Book: Spanish. Library collection

Poetry and violence : The ballad tradition of Mexico's Costa Chica

2000. Book: English. Library collection

Coplas quebradeñas II

2000. Book: Spanish. Library collection

Dueling landscapes: Singing places and identities in highland Bolivia

2000. Article: English. Bibliographic reference

Popular culture and the aesthetization of politics: Hegemonic struggle and postcolonial nationalism in Trinidad carnival

2000. Article: English. Bibliographic reference

Cantoria nordestina : música e palavra

2000. Book: Portuguese. Bibliographic reference

A recording to accompany the book Poetry and violence : the ballad tradition of Mexico's Costa Chica

cop. 2000. Audio: Basque. Library collection

Luna entera

2000. Audio: Spanish. Library collection

La vuelta de Martin Fierro

2000?. Audio: Spanish. Library collection

O Melhor dos violeiros

2000?. Audio: Portuguese. Library collection

Ondarroa Txiletar payadoreak Euskal Herrian 2000-04-14 [Audio - digital]


Medium type:  Hard disk  Localization:  XDZ - Xenpelar Dokumentazio Zentroa  Language:  eu