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New search Access Condition: "Online" Interviewed: "Murua, Iñaki" Interviewed: "Barinaga, Edu" Name of person: "Barinaga, Edu" Entity: "Hitzetik Hortzera" Year: "2014" Name of person: "Muñagorri, Lander" Entity: "Hitzetik Hortzera" Place: Gipuzkoa Place: Mendaro

Found results: 17

Larre gorrian eperrak aire I


Luzio Elorza "Arrola"


Juan Loiola


Mendaro Txirristaka


Kepa Urain


Jose Agustin Iriondo "Txusta"


Jexux Larrañaga


Mendaroko Bertso-Eskola

[Verse School]

Harremanetarako: Gipuzkoako Bertsozale Elkartera jo zenezake:
943 67 05 75

Txirristaka Bertso-Paper Lehiaketa (Mendaro)

[Periodical Performance]

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Mendaro Txirristaka Bertso-Paper Saria (1. 1974)

[Periodical Performance]

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Mendaro Txirristaka Bertso-Paper Saria (1. 1999. Mendaro)

[Periodical Performance]

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"Hamalau Heriotzena" jatorrizko bertsopaperen kopia aurkitu dute


2014-08-07. [Egunkaria] View details