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New search Entity: "Euskal Herriko Bertsolari Elkartea" Name of person: "Telleria, Millan" Name of person: "Ibarzabal, Karlos" Name of person: "Arizmendi, Markel" Name of person: "Munduate, Joxe" Name of person: Martin, Jon Place: Uribe-Kosta

Found results: 4

Abra Saria (2. 2003. Getxo)

[Periodical Performance]

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Abra Saria (14. 2015. Getxo)

[Periodical Performance]

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2015-02-20 Getxo. Abra Saria. Txapeldunen arteko lehiaketa [Audio - digital]


Medium type:  Hard disk  Localization:  XDZ - Xenpelar Dokumentazio Zentroa  Language:  eu 

Asier Azpirozek irabazi du Abra Saria


2015-02-24. [Aldizkari elektronikoa] View details