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New search Name of person: Lopategi, Jon Name of person: Enbeita, Balendin Place: Basque Country

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Found results: 8

Bertsolari Eguna (8. 1975. Donostia)

[Periodical Performance]

Bertso ekitaldia
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Bertsolari Eguna (10. 1977. Donostia)

[Periodical Performance]

Bertso ekitaldia
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Bertsolari Eguna (15. 1983. Donostia)

[Periodical Performance]

Bertso ekitaldia
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Bizkaiko Bertsolari Txapelketa (4. 1961)

[Periodical Performance]

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Bizkaiko Bertsolari Txapelketa (5. 1962)

[Periodical Performance]

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Juan Ormaetxea Taket bertsolariaren ibilerak

2006. Book: Basque. Library collection

Muere el "bertsolari" Xalbador


1976-11-10. [Egunkaria] View details

Bertsulari pregoilaria eta bertsu-aita


2019-03-03. Herria [Aldizkaria] View details