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New search Type: "aldizkakoa" Entity: "Nafarroako Gobernua" Year: "2011" Name of person: "Etxenike, Sukil" Name of person: "Ruiz De Egino, Araitz" Entity: Iruñeko Udala

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Found results: 70

Egile Berrientzako Literatur Lehiaketa (22. 2011. Iruñea)

[Periodical Performance]

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Egile Berrientzako Literatur Lehiaketa (25. 2015. Iruñea)

[Periodical Performance]

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Egile Berrientzako Literatur Lehiaketa (26. 2016. Iruñea)

[Periodical Performance]

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Bertsoaroa (1. 1991. Iruñea)

[Periodical Performance]

Bertso ekitaldia
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Bertsoaroa (2. 1992. Iruñea)

[Periodical Performance]

Bertso ekitaldia
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Bertsoaroa (3. 1993. Iruñea)

[Periodical Performance]

Bertso ekitaldia
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Bertsoaroa (4. 1994. Iruñea)

[Periodical Performance]

Bertso ekitaldia
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Bertsoaroa (5. 1995. Iruñea)

[Periodical Performance]

Bertso ekitaldia
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Bertsoaroa (6. 1996. Iruñea)

[Periodical Performance]

Bertso ekitaldia
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Bertsoaroa (7. 1997. Iruñea)

[Periodical Performance]

Bertso ekitaldia
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Bertsoaroa (8. 1998. Iruñea)

[Periodical Performance]

Bertso ekitaldia
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Bertsoaroa (9. 1999. Iruñea)

[Periodical Performance]

Bertso ekitaldia
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Bertsoaroa (10. 2000. Iruñea)

[Periodical Performance]

Bertso ekitaldia
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Bertsoaroa (11. 2001. Iruñea)

[Periodical Performance]

Bertso ekitaldia
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Bertsoaroa (12. 2002. Iruñea)

[Periodical Performance]

Bertso ekitaldia
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Bertsoaroa (13. 2003. Iruñea)

[Periodical Performance]

Bertso ekitaldia
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Bertsoaroa (14. 2004. Iruñea)

[Periodical Performance]

Bertso ekitaldia
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Bertsoaroa (15. 2005. Iruñea)

[Periodical Performance]

Bertso ekitaldia
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Bertsoaroa (16. 2006. Iruñea)

[Periodical Performance]

Bertso ekitaldia
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Bertsoaroa (17. 2007. Iruñea)

[Periodical Performance]

Bertso ekitaldia
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