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New search Type: Library Year: 1988 Access Condition: Bibliographic reference

Found results: 18

Aesthetics as Iconicity of Style, or, ‘lift-up-over sounding:’ Getting into the Kaluli Groove

1988. Article: English. Bibliographic reference

Competence in performance: the creativity of tradition in Mexicano verbal art

1988. Book: English. Bibliographic reference


1988. Article: English. Bibliographic reference

Introducción a las farsas charivrávicas vascas

1988. Article: Spanish. Bibliographic reference

Joik, Ethnopoetics and Understanding of the Majority

1988. Book: Norwegian. Bibliographic reference

Musical understanding: the ethnoaesthetics of migrant workers' poetic song in Lesotho

1988. Article: English. Bibliographic reference

No arranco do grito:(aspectos da cantoria nordestina)

1988. Book: Portuguese. Bibliographic reference

Ob ornamental'noi prirode tvorchestra v iskusstve Azerbaidzanskogo kovra i mugama.[On ornamental nature of arts of Azerbaijani carpet and mugham]

1988. Article: Russian. Bibliographic reference

Ottava rima e improvvisazione popolare

1988. Book: Italian. Bibliographic reference


1988. Book: English. Bibliographic reference

Report on Survey of Music in Tokelau, Western Polynesia

1988. Book: English. Bibliographic reference

Rythmes de passage chez les Touaregs de l'Azawagh (Niger)

1988. Article: French. Bibliographic reference

Singing of birth and death: Texts in performance

1988. Book: English. Bibliographic reference

Song and Verse in Traditional Greenlandic Society.

1988. Article: English. Bibliographic reference

The art of translating poetry

1988. Book: English. Bibliographic reference

The Irish traditional lament and the grieving process

1988. Article: English. Bibliographic reference

The musical means of sorrow: the Karelian lament tradition

1988. Document: English. Bibliographic reference

Voices from twentieth-century Africa: Griots and towncriers

1988. Book: English. Bibliographic reference