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New search Improvised Verse Singing: "Reggae (Toasting)" Type de periodical performance: "Kulturarteko topaketa" Type: "aldizkakoa" Name of person: "Pisu, Andrea" Name of person: "Turkeri, Zekine" Place: Araba Year: 2002

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Found results: 8

Aitor Ugarte


Arabako Bertsolari Txapelketa (2. 2002)

[Periodical Performance]

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Gasteizko Bertso Eskolaren XX. Urteurrena: Bertso-Paper Sariketa (1. 2002. Gasteiz)

[Periodical Performance]

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Jon Aizpuru Saria (3. 2002. Gasteiz)

[Periodical Performance]

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Arabako Eskolarteko Bertsolari Txapelketa (7. 2002)

[Periodical Performance]

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Bertsotan Bagare, Bertsolari Gazteen Arabako Sariketa (1. 2002)

[Periodical Performance]

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Gasteizko bertso eskolaren XX. urteurrena : bertso-gala

2002. Book: Basque. Library collection

[Bertso-eskolak] : Araba

2002 negua. Press article: Basque. Online Library collection