General search

New search Improvised Verse Singing: "Reggae (Toasting)" Type: "aldizkakoa" Name of person: "African Simba" Name of person: "Aizpurua, Karlos" Name of person: "Arzallus, Amets" Name of person: "Epelde, Imanol" Name of person: "Mariskal, Arantza" Name of person: "Mariskal, Arantza" Name of person: "Pisu, Andrea" Name of person: "Saba, Manuele" Name of person: "Sastre, Alfonso" Entity: Larrabetzuko Bertso Eskola (Itallen) Entity: Larrabetzuko Bertso Eskola (Itallen) Entity: Mutrikuko Bertso-Eskola (Goizeko Izarra)