General search

New search Improvised Verse Singing: "Reggae (Toasting)" Type: "aldizkakoa" Name of person: "Aizpurua, Karlos" Name of person: "Egaña, Andoni" Name of person: "Epelde, Imanol" Name of person: "Mariskal, Arantza" Name of person: "Perez De Karkamo, Aitziber" Name of person: "Pisu, Andrea" Name of person: "Saba, Manuele" Name of person: "Sastre, Alfonso" Author: Azurmendi, Nerea Type: Press

Found results: 34

El debut de los robots bertsolaris


2012-04-19. [Egunkaria] View details

Gaztetxoak bertsotan trebe


2012-06-01. Txintxarri [Aldizkaria] View details

Seis improvisadoras en un triángulo virtuoso


2016-07-15. [Egunkaria] View details

Edozer posible den artxipelagoa


2016-07-17. [Egunkaria] View details

Inprobisazioak ez dakar kaosa


2016-04-21. [Egunkaria] View details

Todas las culturas improvisan


2016-04-14. [Egunkaria] View details