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New search Improvised Verse Singing: "Repentismo (Venezuela)" Improvised Verse Singing: "Trovo (Mexico)" Interviewed: "Artetxe, Miren" Language: "eu" Type: "prentsa" Place: Tolosaldea Name of person: Irazu Muñoa, Jexux Mari Name of person: Mendizabal, Unai

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Found results: 8

Pello Errota Bertso Sariketa (3. 2023)

[Periodical Performance]

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Harituz Herriartekoa (1. 2014)

[Periodical Performance]

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Martikorena bigarren, Pello Errota sariketan


2023-10-23. Kronika [Egunkari elektronikoa] View details

Ostiralean izango da Pello Errotako finala


2023-10-18. Kronika [Egunkari elektronikoa] View details

Belaunaldien arteko saioa


2023-10-20. Gipuzkoako Hitza [Egunkaria] View details