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New search Author: "Piedra, Dabi" Interviewed: "Artetxe, Miren" Access Condition: "Online" Language: "eu" Type: "prentsa" Year: "2013" Improvised Verse Singing: Glosa Improvised Verse Singing: Punto cubano Type: Library

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Found results: 5

World improvised verse singing : Europa bat-batean

2017. Book: English. Online Library collection

Ahozko inprobisazioa munduan topaketak = Improvisación oral en el mundo = Improvisation orale dans le monde = Oral improvisation in the world : telebistarako programa : jaialdia Euskalduna

2004. Video: Spanish, Basque, English. Library collection

Mundu bat ahoz aho

2016. Video: Spanish, Basque, Welsh, English, Catalan, Kurdish, Sardinian. Online Library collection

VII. Mostra internacional d'Improvisador : teatre municipal de Palma 11 de març : teatre municipal de Manacor 12 de març

2005. Video: Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese. Library collection

Ahozko inprobisazioa munduan topaketak = Improvisación oral en el mundo = Improvisation orale dans le monde = Oral improvisation in the world : jaialdia Lugaritz = festivals Lugaritz

2004. Video: Spanish, Basque, English. Library collection