General search

New search Interviewed: "Agirreazaldegi, Ainhoa" Interviewed: "Lizaso, Sebastian" Interviewed: "Maia, Jon" Interviewed: "Paia, Fredi" Access Condition: "Online" Place: "Barakaldo" Place: "Basque Country" Type: "prentsa" Author: MacDowell, John H. Language: Spanish

Found results: 3

Ahozko inprobisazioa munduan topaketak = Improvisación oral en el mundo = Improvisation orale dans le monde = Oral improvisation in the world : Miramarko topaketak = Encuentros académicos = Congress in the Miramar

2004. Video: Spanish, Basque, English. Library collection

Ahozko inprobisazioa munduan topaketak = Encuentro sobre la improvisación oral en el mundo = Improvisation orale dans le monde = Oral improvisation in the world : Donostia, 2003-11-3/8

2004. Book: Spanish, Basque, French, English. Online Library collection