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New search Interviewed: "Barinaga, Edu" Entity: "Hitzetik Hortzera" Entity: "Hitzetik Hortzera" Access Condition: "Online" Name of person: "Barinaga, Edu" Name of person: "Muñagorri, Lander" Year: "2014" Place: West Africa Year: 1997 Year: 1997

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Found results: 3

From the griot of roots to the roots of griot : a new look at the origins of a controversial African term for bard

1986-. Article: English. Online Library collection

Oral Epics from Africa: Vibrant Voices from a Vast Continent

1997. Book: English. Bibliographic reference

Praise without enchantment: Griots, broadcast media, and the politics of tradition in Mali

1997. Article: English. Bibliographic reference