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New search Interviewed: "Murua, Iñaki" Entity: "Euskal Herriko Bertsozale Elkartea" Year: "2014" Year: "2014" Place: Africa Type: Library

Found results: 25

Popular Arts in Africa

1987. Article: English. Bibliographic reference

Ritualized verbal insult in white high school culture

1965. Article: English. Bibliographic reference

Playing the dozens: Folklore as strategies for living

1983. Article: English. Bibliographic reference

Playing the dozens.

1947. Article: English. Bibliographic reference

" Playing the Dozens": a note.

1948. Article: English. Bibliographic reference

Language in the inner city: Studies in the Black English vernacular

1972. Book: English. Bibliographic reference

African rhythm and African sensibility: Aesthetics and social action in African musical idioms

1979. Book: English. Bibliographic reference

Playing the dozens

1962. Article: English. Bibliographic reference

Oral Literature in Africa

2012. Book: English. Online


1990. Book: Basque. Library collection

Cultural aspects of african folktales : a comparative study of the Yorúbá and Maasai folktales

2020. Document: English. Bibliographic reference

" Playing the Dozens": A Mechanism for Social Control

1981. Article: English. Bibliographic reference

A re-examination of Dozens among White American adolescents

1978. Article: English. Bibliographic reference

The Oral and Beyond

2007. Book: English. Bibliographic reference

Rap and resistance: visions of self and society in american, african, and french hip hop music

2012. Document: English. Online

African novels and the question orality

1992. Book: Basque. Library collection

Afrikako ahozko literatura, memoria kolektibotik kritika sozialera

1998. Book: Basque. Library collection

African folklore

1972. Book: Basque. Library collection

Utilizing african oral traditional storytelling to counter racist pedagogy

2021. Article: English. Online

Strategies of Verbal Dueling How College Students Win a Verbal Battle

1997. Article: English. Bibliographic reference