General search

New search Entity: "Euskal Herriko Bertsolari Elkartea" Type: "aldizkakoa" Name of person: "Arbe, Joxe Ramon "Arbe"" Name of person: "Arizmendi, Markel" Name of person: "Ibarzabal, Karlos" Name of person: "Munduate, Joxe" Name of person: "Telleria, Millan" Name of person: Gomez, Arkaitz Name of person: Mendiluze, Aitor Year: 2006

Found results: 1

2006-08-01 Mendexa ; 2006-08-04 Getxo, Erromo [Audio - digital]


Medium type:  Minidisc  Localization:  XDZ - Xenpelar Dokumentazio Zentroa