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New search Entity: "Eusko Jaurlaritza" Place: "Buruntzaldea" Century: "XXI" Type: "aldizkakoa" Name of person: "Agirre, Amaia" Name of person: "Agirreazaldegi, Ainhoa" Name of person: "Basterrika, Urtzi" Name of person: "Gurrutxaga, Iñaki" Year: "2008" Place: Tolosaldea Type: Periodical Performance Year: 1999

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Found results: 2

Villabonako Bertso Eta Ipuin Lehiaketa (8. 1999. Villabona)

[Periodical Performance]

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Orixe Bertso-Paper Lehiaketa (12. 1999. Orexa)

[Periodical Performance]

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