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New search Entity: "Lanku" Media: "Puntua [Aldizkaria]" Name of person: "Aranburuzabala, Aitziber" Name of person: "Estanga, Oskar" Name of person: "Estanga, Oskar" Year: "2015" Place: Uribe-Kosta Place: Uribe-Kosta Name of person: Ibarra, Iratxe

Found results: 5

Leioako Bertso-Paper Lehiaketa (12. 1997. Leioa)

[Periodical Performance]

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Leioako Bertso-Paper Lehiaketa (14. 1999. Leioa)

[Periodical Performance]

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Amets Arzallus Pasapalabran


2017-02-25. [Webgunea] View details

‘Mañukorta’ bertsolariak jasoko du “Urrezko Ahobia”


2016-12-09. GetxoBerri [Aldizkaria] View details