General search

New search Entity: "Nafarroako Gobernua" Type: "aldizkakoa" Name of person: "Aranburu, Ander" Name of person: "Beltza Bengoetxea, Joseba" Name of person: "Lasarte, Mikel" Name of person: "Maia, Xabi" Name of person: "Perez Indurain, Pablo" Entity: EHU. Ixa Taldea Year: 2014

Found results: 3

Textual coherence in a verse-maker robot

2014. Article: English. Bibliographic reference

2014-03-07 Donostia. "Bitetik bytera, istoriotik historiara" bertso-trama [Video - Digital]


Medium type:  Hard disk  Localization:  XDZ - Xenpelar Dokumentazio Zentroa 

Bertsos, negocios y andamios caben dentro de un móvil


2014-01-21. [Egunkaria] View details