General search

New search Medium type: "Betacam" Conductor: "Azkune, Laxaro" Type: "grabazioa" Name of person: "Agirre, Joxe" Name of person: "Eizmendi, Juan Jose "Loidisaletxe II"" Name of person: "Lazkano, Imanol" Performance type: "Jaialdia" Year: "1990" Year: "1990" Entity: Bertsolaris Name of person: Irazu Muñoa, Jexux Mari

Found results: 4

Jesus Mari Irazu : desorekaren oreka

1997 udazkena. Press article: Basque. Library collection

Bertso bilduma

1992 urria. Press article: Basque. Online Library collection

Bertso paperak

1997 udazkena. Press article: Basque. Online Library collection

Bertso bilduma

1991 azaroa. Press article: Basque. Online Library collection