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New search Medium type: "Betacam" Conductor: "Urdangarin, Jose Luis" Type: "grabazioa" Name of person: "Urdangarin, Jose Luis" Place: Sara Name of person: Berjes, Joanes

Found results: 13

Lore Jokoak (14. 1865. Sara) Idatzizkoa

[Periodical Performance]

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Lore Jokoak (15. 1866. Sara) Idatzizkoa

[Periodical Performance]

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Lore Jokoak (16. 1867. Sara) Idatzizkoa

[Periodical Performance]

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Lore Jokoak (17. 1868. Sara) Idatzizkoa

[Periodical Performance]

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Lore Jokoak (19. 1871. Sara) Idatzizkoa

[Periodical Performance]

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Lore Jokoak (20. 1872. Sara) Idatzizkoa

[Periodical Performance]

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Artzaingoa [Bertsoa] / Joanes Berjes

[Nonextempore verse]

Laboraria [Bertsoa] / Joanes Berjes

[Nonextempore verse]

Oraiko neskatxa batzu [Bertsoa] / Joanes Berjes

[Nonextempore verse]

Andre alferren eta zuhurren gainean [Bertsoa] / Joanes Berjes

[Nonextempore verse]

Gerla [Bertsoa] / Joanes Berjes

[Nonextempore verse]

Loreak eder dira __ [Bertsoa] / Joanes Berjes

[Nonextempore verse]

Bettiri Sants [Bertsoa] / Joanes Berjes

[Nonextempore verse]