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New search Compiler: "Lekuona, Manuel" Place: "Euskal Herria" Place: "Gipuzkoa" Place: "Gipuzkoa" Place: "Oiartzun" Type: "doinua" Usual bertso melody: "Bai" Stanza name: "Laukoa, txikiaren moldekoa, 2 puntuz (hg) / Bi puntukoa, txikiaren moldekoa (ip)" Stanza name: "Laukoa, txikiaren moldekoa, 2 puntuz (hg) / Bi puntukoa, txikiaren moldekoa (ip)" Place: Azerbaijan Year: 2000

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Found results: 2

Azerbaijanian Female Musicians: Women's Voices Defying and Defining the Culture

2000. Article: English. Bibliographic reference

The interaction of oral and written traditions in the modern musical culture of turkey and azerbaijan: the" keroglu" dastan and its embodiment in modern musical genres

2000. Article: English. Bibliographic reference