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New search Place: "Basque Country" Name of person: "Izarzelaia, Jon Iñaki" Name of person: "Lanpre, Juan Martin" Name of person: "Sarasua, Jon" Year: "1981" Entity: Oñatiko Bertso-Eskola (Txinparta) Year: 2023

Found results: 3

Gaztelekuko Bertso-paper Lehiaketa (12. 2023. Oñati)

[Periodical Performance]

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Zubikoa jendez lepo, atzo gaueko bertso-saioan


2023-01-06. Goiena [Webgunea] View details

Nafarroa Arenatik Zubikoa kiroldegira


2023-01-05. [Aldizkaria] View details