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New search Century: "XX" Type: "grabazioa" Performance type: "Plaza librea" Year: "1989" Year: "1989" Name of person: Arozena, Estitxu Name of person: Txoperena, Maddi Ane Name of person: Zelaieta, Julen

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Found results: 4

Bardoak: Nafarroako taldekako bertso ekimena (5. 2020)

[Periodical Performance]

Bertso jolasa
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Bardoak: Nafarroako taldekako bertso ekimena (7. 2024)

[Periodical Performance]

Bertso jolasa
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Bortzirietako Bertso-Eskolaren Txapelketa (11. 2009)

[Periodical Performance]

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Bortzirietako Bertso-Eskolaren Txapelketa (12. 2010)

[Periodical Performance]

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