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New search Type: "aldizkakoa" Name of person: "Anda, Irati" Name of person: "Santocildes, Olatz" Name of person: "Viñaspre, Iñaki" Year: "2012" Place: Bilbo Name of person: Anzorandia, Idoia Name of person: Illarregi, Joanes

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Found results: 2

2022-12-03 Bilbo Txapelketa [Bertsoa] / Joanes Illarregi, Jone Uria Albizuri

[Extempore verse]

2022-12-03 Bilbo Txapelketa [Bertsoa] / Amets Arzallus, Joanes Illarregi

[Extempore verse]