General search

New search Type: "aldizkakoa" Name of person: "Arrosagarai, Joanes (1949-1998)" Name of person: "Fagoaga, Euxebio "Fagoaga I"" Name of person: "Fagoaga, Euxebio "Fagoaga I"" Year: "1983" Entity: Arabako Bertso-Eskola Name of person: Perea, Oihane

Found results: 4

Prudentzio Deuna Saria (2. 1991. Gasteiz)

[Periodical Performance]

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Prudentzio Deuna Saria (4. 1993. Gasteiz)

[Periodical Performance]

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Prudentzio Deuna Saria (5. 1994. Gasteiz)

[Periodical Performance]

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AZTARNAK IV: Txustaren itzala


2021-11-02. Bertsolari Aldizkaria [Aldizkari elektronikoa] View details