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New search Type: "liburutegia" Name of person: "Iztueta, Jose Migel "Lazkao Txiki"" Name of person: "Zavala, Antonio" Year: "1994" Author: Garate, Gotzon "Gomiga Type: Library

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Found results: 5

Ohiturak eta folklorea euskal atsotitzetan

1996. Article: Basque. Online Library collection

Euskal atsotitzak = basque proverbs

1995. Book: Basque. Library collection

27.173 : Atsotitzak = Refranes = Proverbes = Proverbia

1998. Book: Spanish, Basque, English. Online Library collection

Esku leuna

1978. Book: Basque. Library collection

Ohiturak eta foklorea euskal atsotitzetan

1996. Article: Basque. Online Library collection