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New search Name of person: "Apaolaza, Jose Mari" Name of person: "Izarzelaia, Jon Iñaki" Name of person: "Lanpre, Juan Martin" Name of person: "Sarasua, Jon" Year: "1981" Year: "1981" Place: Goierri Name of person: Oiartzabal, Arkaitz "Xamoa

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Found results: 16

Axari Saria (9. 2006. Idiazabal)

[Periodical Performance]

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Axari Saria (10. 2007. Idiazabal)

[Periodical Performance]

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Aztiri Saria (6. 2005. Gabiria)

[Periodical Performance]

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Osinalde Saria (36. 2007. Gabiria)

[Periodical Performance]

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Bertso txapelketak Zestoan eta Ormaiztegin du segida


2015-10-31. [Egunkaria] View details

Unean uneko batailaren garrantzia


2015-11-03. [Egunkaria] View details

Ander Lizarralde, garaile Ormaiztegin


2015-11-02. [Egunkaria] View details

Ander Lizarralderentzat Ormaiztegiko final laurdena


2015-11-02. [Egunkaria] View details

Gipuzkoako txapelketaren aurretik giroa berotzeko sariketak


2015-04-08. Tolosaldeko Ataria [Egunkaria] View details