General search

New search Name of person: "Aspuru Saez, Aitor" Name of person: "Colina, Sustrai" Name of person: "Maia, Jon" Entity: Oskorri Name of person: Felipe, Natxo de

Found results: 18

Aita-semeak tabernan daude I


Preso gaudenon ahoetatik


Sareak hedaturik


Zu zara gure ama maitia


Gure Violeta maitea


Basa andere maitagarria


Behin batean mendi batean


Ez naiz kexatu neure denboran I


Gizona pobre edo aberats


Elikatzen gaituzu


Gora ta gora beti


Adio Kattalina

1997. Audio: Basque. Library collection

Hau hermosurie

1984. Audio: Basque. Library collection

Alemanian euskaraz

1984. Audio: Basque. Library collection

25 kantu urte

1996. Audio: Basque. Library collection


2000. Audio: Basque. Online Library collection

Hau hermosurie

1990. Audio: Basque. Library collection


L.G. 1991. Audio: Basque. Library collection