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New search Name of person: "Enbeita, Jon" Year: "1989" Place: North America Century: XXI Type: Press

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Found results: 44

Bertso doinuak Atlantikoaz bestaldean


2014-12-20. [Egunkaria] View details

New exhibit at the Basque Library


2016-12-07. The Center for Basque Studies Blog [Webgunea] View details

The Basics of Bertsolaritza


2016-05-27. Smithsonian Institution [Webgunea] View details

Bertsolaritza: Basque improvised poetry; preserving the language


2017-03-30. University of Nevada, Reno [Webgunea] View details

The Basque Bertsolariak: Festival Welcome


2016-10-06. Smithsonian Institution [Webgunea] View details



2016-11-13. [Egunkaria] View details

What Is Bertsolaritza and Who Are the Basque Poets Who Know It?


2016-06-29. Smithsonian Institution [Webgunea] View details

Alexis Díaz Pimienta repentista kubatarra: “Hemendik 20 urtera repentismoak izugarrizko loraldia izango du, hasi gara zantzuak igartzen”


2018-01-21. [Aldizkaria] View details

Euskal bertsolari eta ikerlariak Nevadan


2018-01-17. [Aldizkari elektronikoa] View details

Bertsolaritza Comes to Reno


2018-01-25. ThisisReno [Webgunea] View details

Champion bertsolari to perform improvised Basque verse at gathering


2018-01-28. Elko Daily Free Press [Webgunea] View details

Female improvisational poets share journey into Basque tradition


2018-01-31. Elko Daily Free Press [Webgunea] View details