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New search Format: Article Language: English Century: XXI Type: Library Year: 2002 Year: 2002

Found results: 22

The social dramatic functions of Oral recitation and composition in Beowulf

1986-. Article: English. Library collection

No one tells you this: secondary orality and hypertextuality

1986-. Article: English. Library collection

Cynewulf at the interface of literacy and orality: the evidence of the Puns in Elene

1986-. Article: English. Library collection

Homespun Homerics in the Kingdom of Aeolaus: Ninu Murina in Stromboli

1986-. Article: English. Library collection

Oral tradition and comtemporary critical theory

1986-. Article: English. Library collection

The case of the gospels: memory's desire and the limits of historical cristicism

1986-. Article: English. Library collection

India's "Hundred voices": subaltern oral performance in Forster's A Passage to India

1986-. Article: English. Library collection

On tje use and abuse of "Orality" for art: reflections on romantic and late twentieh-century poiesis

1986-. Article: English. Library collection

Oral and contemporary critical theory

1986-. Article: English. Library collection

Transforming experience into tradition Two theories of proverb use and chaucer's practice

1986-. Article: English. Library collection

Ubiquitous format? What ubiquitous format? Chucer's Tales of Melibee as Proverb Collection

1986-. Article: English. Library collection

Written on the wind: an introductionn to Auralture

1986-. Article: English. Library collection

The Minim-istic imagination: scribal invention and the word in the Early english alliterative tradition

1986-. Article: English. Library collection

Rites of Passage and Oral storytelling in Romanian Epic and the New Testament

1986-. Article: English. Library collection

The dagaare-speaking communities of west Africa

2002. Article: English. Online

Hip hop therapy : an exploratory study of a rap music intervention with at-risk and delinquent youth

2002. Article: English. Online

Epic works of the Setu singer

2002. Article: English. Bibliographic reference

The motivation of gameplay: The real twenty-first century learning revolution

2002. Article: English. Online

A War of Words: Halo songs of Abuse Among the Anlo Ewe

2002. Article: English. Online

Where Are the Folk? The Cretan Mantinada as Placed Literature

2002. Article: English. Bibliographic reference