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Found results: 10461

Yugoslav epic folk poetry

1951. Article: English. Bibliographic reference

Basarri'ren bertso-sorta

1950. Book: Basque. Library collection

Euskaldunak poema : XV kantuketan

1950. Book: Basque. Library collection

Ilias'ena : XXIV-garren kanta

1950. Article: Basque. Library collection

Izaki Abestia

1950. Article: Basque. Library collection

Playing the dozens

1950. Article: English. Bibliographic reference

Atano III : bere edestia bertsotan

1949. Book: Basque. Online Library collection


1949. Book: Standard German. Bibliographic reference

Homenaje a D. Julio de Urquijo e Ybarra : estudios relativos al País Vasco. Tomo I

1949. Book: Spanish, French. Library collection

Homenaje a D. Julio de Urquijo e Ybarra : estudios relativos al País Vasco. Tomo II

1949. Book: Spanish, French. Library collection


1948?. Book: Basque. Library collection

El canto dialogado en la canción popular : los cantares a desafío

1948. Article: Spanish. Bibliographic reference

" Playing the Dozens": a note.

1948. Article: English. Bibliographic reference

La poésie lyrique kurde

1947. Article: French. Online

Playing the dozens.

1947. Article: English. Bibliographic reference

Preliminares al estudio de la jota aragonesa

1947. Article: Spanish. Bibliographic reference

Le poète Pierre Topet dit Etchahun (1786-1862) et ses oeuvres

1946. Book: Basque. Library collection

Recuerdos del payador : composiciones populares por Gabino Ezeiza

1946. Book: Spanish. Library collection

Lauri Lappalaisen runo

1945. Book: Finnish. Bibliographic reference


1944. Book: Basque. Library collection