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Sustrai Colina

Personal details

Colina, Sustrai
1982 Urruña + Urruña < Lapurdi Itsasegia < Lapurdi < Basque Country


Main specialization

Biographical details

He got his Bachelor’s Degree in Law at the University in Baiona, but he has primarily work in journalism; actually, his series of interviews for Argia magazine was awarded with Rikardo Arregi prize, a renowned award in the Basque Country.
He took his first steps as bertsolari at the bertso-eskola (bertsolaritza workshops) in Hendaia where he would work as a teacher later.
He has been finalist of the National Bertsolaris Championship since 2001 and he won the Xilaba championship, carried out in Lapurdi, Baxenabarre and Zuberoa, twice: in 2014 and 2016.

First steps in bertsolarism

Lehen plaza
Donostian, 1992an, Gipuzkoako Eskolarteko Txapelketako kanporaketan, Donostiako Santo Tomas lizeoan (Amets eta Itsaso Arzallus taldekide zituela).