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Zigor Leunda
Personal details
- Name
- Leunda, Zigor
- Complet name and surname
- Leunda Eizmendi, Zigor
- Birth
- 1978 Tolosa + Tolosa < Tolosaldea < Gipuzkoa < Basque Country
- Main specialization
- Epailea
- Specializations
Biographical details
- Biography
- 27 years old and from Villabona in Gipuzkoa. He has a degree in Business Management and Administration and is a bank employee. He started his judging career at the Gipuzkoa Inter-Towns' Championship. This year, 2005, will be his first at the National Championships.
First steps in bertsolarism
- Lehen plaza
- Andoainen, 1993ko maiatzean, herriko plazan Iker Bengoetxea, Ugahitz Iraola, Jon Zaldua eta Urtzi Basterrikarekin.