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Iñigo Olaetxea
Personal details
- Name
- Olaetxea, Iñigo
- Complet name and surname
- Olaetxea Alzugarai, Iñigo
- Birth
- 1975 Lesaka + Lesaka < Bortziriak < Iruñeko Merindadea < Navarre < Basque Country
- Main specialization
- Bertsolaria
- Jarduerei buruzko azalpenak
- Inoiz egin ditu antolatzaile, aurkezle, irakasle, epaile eta gai-jartzaile lanak ere.
Biographical details
- Biography
- Born in Lesaka, Navarre. 26 years old. A bertsolari from the school at Lesaka and Navarre Championship finalist for the past four years. This is his first time participating in the National Championship.