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Miquel Ametller

Personal details

Ametller, Miquel


Main specialization
Jarduerei buruzko azalpenak
Menorkako glosadorea

Biographical details

He sings since he was 7 when his father invited him to take part in the glosats. Even if he is self-taught he has had good teachers during all this time: his father himself and the companions of glosat, unfortunatedly, already deceased. From 1989 he works as teacher of new glosadors in institutes and resident associations. He has been collaborating with the Consell Insular of Minorca for the diffusion and formation in the annotation for 6 years. The latter course he has formed 873 students in the art of the glosa thanks to an agreement signed with the Govern Balear, the Consell Insular and La Caixa: The School - workshop of glosat.