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Gogi Dzodzuashvili

Personal details

Dzodzuashvili, Gogi


Main specialization
Jarduerei buruzko azalpenak
Georgiako inprobisatzailea

Biographical details

He studied in the Faculty of Therapy in the University of Medicine of the State of Tbilisi (Georgia). He has been the composer and lyricist for groups like Acid Message and Clear & Cold. In 2000, he composed a dance spectacle titled The Morning Chant, where Tamaz Remer was in charge of the choreography. He also took part actively in the creation of the company of Experimental dance in the Festival of Montpellier. He has realized a great labor in theatre. He has recently worked in Medea: Material (2001) and To Kill Charlitte (adaptation of Chekhov's Ivanov). And, in 1995, thanks to William Shakespeare's work, King Lear, he played in several theatres of Prague and Edinburgh, among others. His last works in cinema have been: Seven Days in Tibet (2000) and Bethlehem 2000. We can also mention the documentary series XX Century he did for television, or Time and the People and the program Women and Society.